Before we dive into the meat of this post, I want to make sure we’re clear on this concept:

Copy = Applied Psychology + Written Words

Hold onto your hats, because this is a SUPER juicy one. I’m going to share the 5 costly errors that coaches and experts make when they write their own copy.

If you’re a coach or expert writing your own copy, you will DEFINITELY want to take notes!

Ok… I think we’re ready now 😉

1. You’re not using the language your ideal customers use.

Two mistakes I see most people make when trying to persuade someone else are…

  1. They assume the way they see the world is pretty much the “right” one, and…
  2. They don’t fully understand the other person’s view of the world, so they don’t know how to help them expand it to see their point of view.

Let me explain how this ties into language.

If you want to quickly build rapport with someone and make ‘em feel more trusting and connected toward you… a quick shortcut is to talk like they talk.  Or, in this case — write like they talk.

Here’s a quick example of what I mean…

If you are in the health and fitness industry, you may catch yourself trying to use words like body fat, macros, and specific names of vitamins and nutrients, assuming that your ideal clients know what that means.

Instead, show that you understand them by using the terms and jargon they know and use and by saying it in the simplest and clearest terms.

Before: Lose body fat and decrease your measurements.

After: Fit into your high school jeans again.

Showing that you understand them by connecting with them through their own language and saying it simply and clearly, is the fastest way to build rapport, spark more connection and interest, and be more persuasive. It shows that you are one of them.

The goal isn’t for them to understand you, the goal is for them to feel understood.

2. You don’t understand what they really want.

We often have clients come to us and say, “I don’t know what my prospect wants!” My response, “Ask them!”

Don’t leave it up to guesswork!  It’s so important to gather the proper research in order to really grasp the hopes, fears, dreams, desires, and motivations of your ideal customers.

It also helps with keeping your prospects and customers engaged.

Ask them questions.  Give value.  Ask them to reply to your emails and share their experiences.  Interview them and do case studies.  This goes a long way in showing that you’re taking the time to listen to them, understand them, and help them how they want to be helped…

Plus, as an added bonus, it will give you even more information to use regarding what’s really going on in their minds and hearts.

Give them what they want first, then give them what they need.

3. You may be more focused on tactics and widgets than the fundamentals.

It’s a cold hard FACT that the online world is evolving fast.

You know what I mean.  Everywhere you look on the internet, every online marketing ad or book… they all point to the “latest and greatest” tactic or push-button technology.

We have tons of clients that come to us feeling like they are behind by not having Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, SEO, and every single software technology.

Don’t get me wrong.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and these kind of platforms CAN amplify your marketing efforts.  But, if you don’t have a solid strategy behind it all, a strategy that is tried, tested, and PROVEN to work… then, it’s like trying to get a fire lit by pouring water on instead of gasoline.

Always start with a solid marketing foundation, such as understanding consumer psychology, doing proper research, painting a picture of your ideal customer, and getting your messaging down.

Don’t put the “cart before the horse.”  Get your messaging and marketing fundamentals down before trying to use every kind of widget and social media outlet.

4. You’re trying to sell the plane instead of the destination.

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever gone on a trip solely because you wanted to get on an airplane?

Probably not.

You got on the airplane because you wanted to go somewhere.

Your product/service is like an airplane.  It gets your ideal client to their ideal destination.

So, is your sales copy filled with all the features of how awesome your product or service is?

Or, are you focusing on how it can help your ideal client or customer get to their destination?

One way to murder a sale is to focus solely on yourself, your product, and your service.

Instead, focus on what it can DO for the prospect (the destination). Focus on how it will help him or her… how it can change their life and give them the results they are looking for.

Think about it.

When we buy something, we do it for what the product can DO for us… and how it will make us FEEL, and be perceived by others.  We also buy things to solve a problem.

Yeah, the features of the product are really important, and it’s important to be specific about it…

But frame it in a way that focuses on the benefits the customer will receive — or even, the benefits they will miss out on if they don’t take immediate action and miss the opportunity to take you up on your offer.

5. You aren’t crystal clear on HOW you can help them.

Maybe you don’t know how to explain what it is that you do in a way that’s engaging and magnetic.

Ever get asked that dreaded question, “What do you do?”

You stare blankly back at the person not knowing how to share what it is you really do, so you go on a tangent… talking yourself into circles… hoping that something you say will actually make sense and resonate.

You know what I’m talking about… not fun.

You know that you can help your prospects better than your competitors. But, your competitors can maybe explain it better and really hit home with their messaging… and in the end, that’s who wins.

Get absolutely clear on HOW you can help your customers.  List out all the benefits you possibly can.  Understand what’s going on in their hearts and minds, including the things they may not even be aware of on the surface… then, really hit home when delivering your value and message out to your market.

As you read through this post, did you find yourself shaking your head, because you’ve done some of these? Or maybe all of these?

Don’t worry — we all go through this! When you first started your ONLINE BUSINESS, you probably didn’t envision yourself taking on the marketing, sales, and copywriting roles (unless of course you’re IN marketing, sales, or copywriting 😉 ).

But for the majority of business owners, writing isn’t their zone of genius, so there’s a definite learning curve.

Luckily, you’ve found me to help guide you along the way! I’ve got your back, friend.

I wanna hear from you, comment below with the ONE error above that you struggle with the most!