Entrepreneurs Using The Conscious Copy MethodTM

clients in

“The Incubator”

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Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

Founder & Director of Dr. Roseann and Associates


Potential clients were showing up
guarded with tons of questions.


Learned how to create education-based
marketing to unravel objections and
educate prospects in advance.

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Amanda Goolsby

CEO of Aligned Success

Pre sale
to profits


Had just pivoted in her business.
No list/audience, didn’t know how to
market to new audience.


Discovered how to market to her ideal
audience. Did her first partner webinar.

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“I followed the system and did my first live webinar. Having the Copy Critique Calls was so helpful. Over 100 people registered and 50 people showed up. So far I’ve done 10 sales @ $5K for a new course I haven’t even created yet.“

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Dr. Deborah Matthews

MD, Speaker, Author, Educator


Less than 20% of free attendees were ideal clients.


Discovered how to speak to her ideal clients’ pain points + desires in her copy.

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“I had a chance to work on my copy
on one of the Copy Critique Calls with
one of the superstar members of the
Conscious Copy team and the end
result was when I just boosted some
of my Facebook posts for $100, I got
enough of my ideal clients in that
I was able to turn that $100 into
$25,000, and that’s awesome!”

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Richard Fertig

Founder of STR University


Had never made an offer for a live event
before and didn’t know where to start.


Created a clear and compelling offer.

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Fast forward and…

Result: $363,840

in 4 months.

“We sold out our first-ever high-ticket event. (36 seats @ $3,000 piece) Thank you so much
for the amazing guidance throughout our Copy Critiques and your incredible advice
throughout the entire process!”

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Don Cooper

CEO of Innovator Industrial Services Inc.


Landing page wasn’t converting well. (Only
50 opt ins over 6 months).


Used the Conscious Copy Method™ to
make a few copy tweaks to his landing page.

“I took what I learned and updated some copy on a page that was already live. The conversions went from 60 to over 400 within a couple of days… with the only change being the copy. As a result we did an additional $50,000 the first week. This stuff really works! Also having my team trained has been a game-changer and freed up so much more of my time so I can spend it with my family.”

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Scott Proposki

Founder of Focus In A Minute & Author


Due to Covid-19, his multi-million dollar
photography business was as a standstill.


Started a new coaching business and
got our help to create + market
a compelling offer for his package.

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Sage Lavine

Founder of Women Rocking Business

“We’re a multi-seven figure business. We’re going to 8-figures and Jennifer is the right one to take us there.

Her knowledge of launches, marketing, and copy is so vast, so few people know everything she knows at our pace. She came here and in one day with my team did 2 weeks worth of work in 6 hours…

…Jennifer knows how I think as a CEO so she’s able to take so many things off my plate because she works so closely with my team that I get to let go and really be in my visionary space. I’m so confident that this launch is going to be double or triple our results in the past because of all the uplevels we made today. Thank you Jennifer!! I’m so excited!”

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Fertility & Pregnancy Specialist



Discovered the the Conscious Copy
Method™ & simple tools to write copy in
her voice that connects and converts.


CEO of
Aligned Success

Dr. Deborah

MD, Speaker,
Author, Educator


Founder of
STR University


CEO of Innovator
Industrial Services Inc.


Founder of Focus
In A Minute & Author


Founder of Women
Rocking Business

Dr. Cleopatra

Fertility & Pregnancy Specialist



Potential clients showing up guarded with tons of questions.


Learned how to create education-based marketing to unravel objections and educate prospects in advance.

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Sales page wasn’t converting well.


Got on a Copy Critique Call with her PCI Copy Coach, got live feedback, updated her sales page copy.

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Overwhelmed trying to update + rebrand all their launch copy (sales pages + emails).


Got feedback from their PCI Copy Coach and had a successful launch.

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Opt-in landing page wasn’t converting well.


Updated the landing page using benefit bullets & lead magnet landing page training from the PCI Client Conversion Course.Conversions went from 33% → 100%.

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“Copy is time-management marketing.

Copy is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. If you take what you learn at this workshop you will financially benefit.

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Joe Polish

Founder of Genius Network

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“I sold out 110% of my workshop using what I learned at the workshop.

I love how easy and authentic my writing is and how what they (the workshop attendees) read before they got to the workshop made them realize I could really Founder & Director of Dr. help them.”

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Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

Founder & Director of
Dr. Roseann and Associates

“Because of the workshop I have confidence in my own intuition and can now see how there is a way to do sales, marketing, and copy that is genuine, authentic, and isn’t over salesy or pushy.”

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Dr. Heidi Hanna

Founder and CEO of Synergy

“Going to this workshop has been THE needle-mover in my business. It’s for anyone whose business can be helped by more effective copy (which is to say all of us). I can easily say I’ve landed a handful of 5-figure clients as a result of what I learned in just a few days. Honestly if you did it and it didn’t pay off five fold I would be shocked.”

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Anna David

NY Times bestselling author
of 8 books, TEDx speaker,
journalist, podcaster

“Everything we do in our business is copy. We’re constantly communicating with our prospects and buyers and we need to be able to reach them at a deeper level.

Jennifer is amazing. She is wise beyond her years. Even though she’s teaching us copywriting, I got so much clarity on the bigger mission of my company and what I personally want for myself as an entrepreneur.

The team at Conscious Copy is incredible. They create an amazing event experience that you’re going to walk out with so much done in person, and a clear blueprint of what you need to do.”

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Alex Dunks

Online Wellness Business Owner

“One of the biggest breakthroughs I had at the workshop was realizing I’ve been making my messaging way more complicated than it needs to be, thinking I need to reinvent the wheel every time I write something. The structures and templates provided make it so much more doable.

By being more benefit-driven in my communication my client had a breakthrough and after two years, over the last day she sold out her first program.

Conscious Copy is different than any other company I’ve worked with. They’re a group of people who really have your back who want to support you through all the questions and concerns you have around copy and communicating your message with the world so you can create the results you’re ready for.”

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Sacha Sterling

Business Coach

“Conscious Copy is helping so many big names and playing a role in transforming lives.

At the workshop, you’re surrounded by incredibly driven people doing great things in the world. You’ll walk away with your copy playbook.

Invest in yourself and attend the workshop. If you take what you learn here and implement it you’ll definitely get an ROI. You’ll be able to share your message with the world in a far more effective way.”

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Nicollette Moore

Founder of the Q Salon

“If you’re looking for a roadmap so that you always nail your messaging or if you outsource your messaging they are able to dial in your voice, you need this workshop.

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JJ Virgin

NYT Bestselling Author
& Health Influencer

“I took what I learned at the workshop and updated some copy on a page that was already live. The conversions went from 60 to over 400 within a couple of days…with the only change being the copy. As a result we did an additional $50,000 that week. This stuff really works!”

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Don Cooper

CEO of Innovator Industrial Services Inc.

“This workshop is a game changer.”
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Dr. TK Huynh

Founder of MindBody Matrix

“I’ve been avoiding writing my own copy for years and spent tens of thousands of dollars hiring people to write copy for me and being unhappy with it until I finally accepted that I have to take ownership of this part of my company.
Working with Jennifer on our Strategy day and at this workshop has made this so much more doable for me. Why did I not do this earlier? I would have saved myself tens of thousands of dollars on trying to outsource it and I would have vastly expedited our impact.

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Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen

Fertility & Pregnancy Specialist

“Before the workshop I was connected to how great the service I provide is and was frustrated by how challenging it was to get that into the lap, inbox, and awareness of the people it would most serve.

Now, I feel confident about my message. I know that it’s perfectly tailored to my ideal client, and I’m really confident about its capacity to convert.

If you have dreams of doubling, tripling, quadrupling your sales and impact, and you’re not doing it, it’s likely your message is faulty. If you want to take real quantum leaps in your business, then this is the workshop that’s going to help you do it.”

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Theora Moench

CEO of Truly Chosen

“The workshop isn’t just about finding your message. It’s about finding your purpose and empowering your customers to step into theirs.

I came to the workshop because I thought I wanted to become a better writer and speak to my dream customers better. The tools I got from this workshop empowered me to say, it’s not about me, it’s about my customer and how I can serve her to step into her purpose and ultimately build the business of her dreams.

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Jasmine Star

Photographer & Business Strategist

“I’d get writer’s block the minute I start thinking I need to write an email. I would put it off all day long. I wasn’t connecting with my clients or getting my message out there and I had no idea how to do it.

You have it in you [to write good copy], you just don’t have the tools to get it done by yourself. As long as you’re coachable, the process will manifest the end result: You’ll be able to plug and play and duplicate yourself over and over again through your message. This is a way to get your time back.

Of all the events I’ve been to, this is the one I’m going home with tools I can actually use, instead of struggling with a laundry list of things to do. This is literally changing my life. Hands down I should have attended earlier.”

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Trina Felber

CEO of Primal Life Organics

Copywriting is a connection tool. If you want to help people, you need to learn how to connect with them, which you’re either going to do through how you speak or how you write, and that’s all copy. If there is one thing you really need to nail as an entrepreneur, it’s your copy. It’s the foundation of the house really.”

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Jessica Sherman

Founder & Nutritionist at
Jess Sherman, RHN

Client Workshop


The content was great, hands down, but the connections with such an incredibly beautiful caliber of people, the growth that happened in the conversations made the trip 1,000,000% worth it!”
The content - honestly I’ve been through a ton of copy training so it has helped me to simplify the overwhelm of information and understand the big picture in a more manageable way. But the people. OH the people! So beautiful, giving, friendly, world changers. And the surprises and special touches. That was really delightful and unexpected and makes me want to keep coming back! I love the thoughtfulness put into this event.”
Jenn is a master of human emotion. Her connectedness in the room is amazing. Her team is just perfect and so kind.”
Seeing and having a proven formula for creating great copy.”
How all strategies and templates were delivered in service to our vision. Vision first, then strategy. LOVE THAT!”
Very pleased to have a ready-to-go workbook to put into play.”
The gifts, the plug-in play, the caliber of clients (all quality ppl w/ impressive companies). Watching Jennifer lead, teach. So much inspiration! The team - so present, intelligent, helpful, authentic, available! Them dancing with big Jenn heads.”

what entrepreneurs

are sharing on social!

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Vivid vision:

We’ve Helped 400+ Business Owners
& CEO'S Clarify and Communicate

The Vivid Vision of their company

Vivid Vision Book

Cameron Herold

Founder of COO Alliance

“Whether you’re starting your Vivid Vision from scratch or you’ve taken a crack at it on your own… I highly recommend you hire Conscious Copy & Co. to help you take it across the finish line. They have helped me do 4 different Vivid Visions… and every time I’m impressed with their ability to make the Vivid Vision pop off the page and really stand out. I send all of my clients to them because they are the best and really know how to work with the CEO/entrepreneur.”

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Brittany Anderson

Director of Operations of Sweet Financial Services

“They are experts in what they do. Instead of asking “How do I create my Vivid Vision?” Ask “Who can I hire to help me create my Vivid Vision?” The Conscious Copy team made the process so simple and are exceptional to work with. We couldn’t say enough great things about them!”
Vivid Vision Book

Dmitry Kozlov

Co-Founder of Vision Tech Team and Maverick NEXT

“After months of struggling to finalize my Vivid Vision on my own, Conscious Copy made it easy, fast, and fun. The way Jenn pulled the vision out of me initially was an amazing process that brought me into the future with clarity, beyond what I could have possibly done with any other copywriter I could hire for this. I was thrilled to see it quickly come to life after that. I’ve always recommended doing a Vivid Vision for any serious entrepreneur—now I always recommend having Conscious Copy write their Vivid Vision.”
Vivid Vision Book

Justin Singletary

CEO & Founder of

“The team was excellent to work with! They were able to ask the deep-diving questions to really bring my vision to life. The design and presentation are perfect for our needs. I highly recommend Conscious Copy!”

Vivid Vision Book

Paul Sjoberg

Founder of

“I was struggling, looking for a fresh, unique way to convey my company’s future to employees and prospective employees. Conscious Copy & Co. came highly recommended, and now I know why. The Conscious Copy team was able to take my ideas and vision from my head and use their process to create an incredible Vivid Vision document. I am so happy with Leverage Information Technologies’ Vivid Vision document!!! What a fabulous experience, and I am so pleased with the finished product!!! 5 Stars!!!!!”

Vivid Vision Book

Tina Anderson

CEO & Co-founder of Just Thrive

“I’d heard about the Vivid Vision and I kept putting it off because I was busy being in the business. I wish I had done it a long time ago. I’d recommend to every entrepreneur that they do it sooner rather than later to put them on the right path. After just a few phone calls the Conscious Copy team took the vision in my head, put it on paper, and made it super clear and fun. Everything about the process was absolutely spectacular.”

Vivid Vision Book

Karen & Bill Bayles

Founders of Shop4Charity and Guudguuds

“Mic drop after Draft 1! I just want to say what a great job you did. We felt like you got it, and that was super exciting. Kudos for knocking it out of the park on the first go!”


“The process was super easy and fun to go through. It made me think way more outside the box than I normally would on this.”

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Ricardo Brooks

COO at Allied

“Just want to convey my thanks for the work that you and the Conscious Copy team did to help us put our CEO’s Vivid Vision down on paper and make it so tangible that the entire team could appreciate it. We really appreciate your patience and especially your attitude in helping to bring it all together.”

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Uran Berisha

Founder of Unpain Clinic

“Conscious Copy was able to download my vision from my mind so I can share with my team and clients! Now, they all can see it, and know where we are going! The whole process was painless from any aspect and amazing in the end!”

Vivid Vision Book

Chiara Allen

Founder of C2 Media

“One of the BEST things I’ve done for my business was working with a company to create a ‘Vivid Vision’… Thanks to Jennifer Hudye’s team for helping us put our goals forward!… It’s such an incredibly powerful tool and I’m really grateful to have worked with you guys on it!”
Vivid Vision Book

Denice Gierach

Founder of Gierach Law Firm

“Conscious Copy did a great job of capturing what my vision is for my company and making it more vivid than I could imagine it myself. The copy was well written and the graphics and layout were very professional. I would recommend them to any business owner who is
contemplating doing a Vivid Vision.”

Vivid Vision Book

Dr. Zac Watkins

Founder & Functional Medicine Doctor of Livewell Clinic

Vivid Vision Book

Jesse Cole

Founder of Fans First Entertainment

“I wasn’t sure what to expect when we decided to work with Conscious Copy on this Vivid Vision project as it’s a completely new idea for our company. But they nailed it. From the first call to the final product, they delivered. This is a game-changing tool for our business, and Conscious Copy made it happen!”
Vivid Vision Book

Kris Kaplan

CEO of K2 Coaching

“Much thanks and appreciation goes out to Jennifer Hudye of Conscious Copy for helping to bring my 2020 Vivid Vision to life. It was super cool to come home from vacation and see this amazing canvas poster waiting for me that has the K2 core values on it. Very cool. If you would like to start making your business dreams come true, start by getting clarity on where it is you want to be.”

Vivid Vision Book

Raj Lahoti

CEO & Co-founder of

“Conscious Copy has their stuff together! They have a solid team who cares. And a solid process that produces results. Highly recommend. Very happy with the work product!”

Vivid Vision Book

Victoria Song

Peak Performance Coach

“I appreciate how much you all wanted to really understand what I was asking for, and really nail it. I felt understood, heard, and supported throughout the process.”

“Jenn and her team are the VERY BEST at what they do. I loved going through the VividVision process with them. The clarity I received doing it has resulted in my visions already coming true! I love the finished product and can’t wait to hang it up and watch it all unfold.”

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Ben Robinson

Founder of

“Spot on with what our vision is. Great work!”

Vivid Vision Book

Maya Fry

Office Coordinator at Ann Vanderslice Retirement Planning Strategies

“This looks fantastic! Thank you so much for working with me on this. It looks great!”
Vivid Vision Book

Don Cooper

CEO at Innovator Industrial Services

“Love it – TWO THUMBS UP”

What Conscious Copy

Clients Are Saying

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““The project came back better than expected, it was incredible. It was written in my voice, unlike anything I’ve seen anybody ever do. Conscious Copy & Co. has gone over and above, Jenn and her team are professional and they know what they are doing.”

Alex Jeffreys

Founder of Clients In Abundance

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“Conscious Copy & Co. helps me build a strong relationship and stay connected with my subscribers. With this taken care of, I’m able to focus on my strengths, helping CEO’s and COO’s rapidly scale their businesses.”

“If you’re a Coach/Consultant or Entrepreneur looking to really launch your message and marketing online, check out Jennifer & Conscious Copy & Co. I’ve had them help me with copy and have sent over 50 of my clients to them. They are the real deal!”

Cameron Herold

Founder of COO Alliance

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“Conscious Copy & Co. doesn’t just write killer copy; they also gets RESULTS. They’re super awesome to work with and they “get” how to work with high level entrepreneurs. Whether it’s email campaigns or other copy projects, you can trust Conscious Copy to deliver the goods. Not only have they worked with some of the top entrepreneurs on crafting their messaging and copy, but they’re trusted by them to too. I’ve had a lot of copywriters work with me over the years, and Jennifer and her team are definitely on the short list of copywriters you can feel confident working with because they deliver. I highly recommend hiring Conscious Copy to work with you long-term on your most important copy projects. When you need to get results and you want to hire a superstar copywriter, hire Jennifer and her team.”

Joe Polish

Genius Network

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“Conscious Copy is a team of pros who are organized, fun, professional, and create great results. They didn’t know it at the time, but we split test this copy project with a lower-dollar freelancer copywriter also, and there was no competition, not just in quality of work, but in the experience they create and contextual knowledge they have of the marketing strategy and intended outcome. We look forward to continue to find opportunities to work together!”

Justin MacDonald

Sixth Division

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“We’ve worked with the Conscious Copy team on several projects now and it’s like a weight being lifted off our shoulders. Jenn and her team ALWAYS get the intention of the project and is able to uniquely match my voice. The copy never feels yuck or salesy. Working with Conscious Copy is always easy and I trust that the writing will convert…because it always does!”

Lori Kennedy

CEO of Lori Kennedy Quilts

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“Conscious Copy has been very reliable and efficient to work with. Their constant attention to detail and ability to adapt to all of our projects has made things so much easier on our end. We are always delighted with the copy, excellent work!”

Sid Miramontes

Founder of Miramontes Capital

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“Jenn is a beast when it comes to digital marketing, lead generation, and most importantly following up with those leads once you have them and leveraging automation.”

Billy Gene

CEO of

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“Although I’ve been in the online space for 10+ years and have 500,000 followers combined over my social media platforms, I didn’t know what I was doing when it came to email. We created a clear path for my tribe to understand who I am, what I’m about, and how I can help them. I cannot recommend Conscious Copy & Co. enough. I’ve had more sales, better open rates, and connection with my customer. I want everybody to know about this.”

Danny-J Johnson

Founder of

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“Conscious Copy is a WONDERFUL partner, truly some of the best in the business! They will treat your brand with extreme care while working to create and optimize copy that converts and truly empowers your audience. They are also a dream to work with in terms of organization, process, updates, and everything in between. We’ve successfully completed multiple projects with their team and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to elevate their copy.”

Jordyn Bean with
Dr. Amy Myers

Marketing Manager with Dr. Amy Myers

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“Working with Conscious Copy & Co. has been a blast! Jenn and her team are so good at making my emails come alive with my voice. I’ll share a story with them and they will write it in such a way that is so compelling and makes people want to take action. If you’re considering working with Conscious Copy, I highly recommend it.”

Keith Yackey

CEO of Private Money Pro

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“I have had an amazing experience working with them. We hired Conscious Copy & Co. to come in and write all of our campaigns for our webinar funnel. Every webinar that Jenn and her team has worked on has gotten more post sales and greater attendance. If you’re wanting someone that is brilliant, I highly recommend that you talk to Conscious Copy… make sure you hire them!”

Pete Vargas

Founder of Advance Your Reach

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“Jennifer and Conscious Copy & Co. are a dream to work with, and our clients LOVE them! Clients tell us they feel truly understood, and trust that their message will be communicated authentically and powerfully. On top of that, they get results! The last project we worked on together is getting a 1.5X – 4X ROI on ad spend (at scale) within 60 days of launching.”

“After some testing, we’ve had 1 week where it got a 177% ROI, and last week was around 85% so we’re making some additional tweaks but expect to be better than breakeven consistently soon.”

Ryan Niessen

CMO of Doubek Digital Media

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Ready to create your
3-year Vivid Vision?

Create your company's future to be a place you and your team want to visit